After putting the potatoes into a large bowl, I added salt, pepper, and fresh dehydrated parsley I grew in our garden. In a small dish pour in approximately 1/5 cup olive oil with one drop of DoTerra oregano oil. Mix well and then pour mixture onto the potatoes and seasoning. Mix all ingredients together well.
After mixing, spoon the potatoes onto a large piece of foil and create a foil pack you can place on the grill. I folded it together well to allow for flipping. It takes a while for the potatoes to cook and grill temperatures vary greatly. Therefore I recommend checking to make sure your potatoes are throughly cooked before pulling them off to ensure they are not too underdone.
After cooking, I threw the potatoes into a large bowl and added blue cheese. You can add as much or as little as you want depending on your preference. I suggest adding two teaspoons or so to start and then adding more if desired.
Here is the final meal! It was amazing and so simple. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you would like information on purchasing DoTerra oils. The flavor they produce is much more vivid than just dry spices alone and they are super easy to add to any meal! Good luck and happy cooking!